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  • Construction of a new Romulan capital, Roma Nova, begins on Rator III. The first building constructed is used to house meetings of the Romulan Colonial Organizational Committee.

  • Formation of a new government is beset by in-fighting and factionalization. A group of moderates suggests that the Romulan people need someone to focus their energies, and suggests the revival of the monarchy. Taris indicates that she supports the monarchy, but that it must be the people’s decision.

  • Alexander Rozhenko takes a lead role in negotiations between the Federation, Klingons, and Gorn.

  • Ja’rod, son of Torg (and of Lursa of the House of Duras), completes warrior training and is assigned to the I.K.S. Kang.

  • Gorn and Nausicaan forces attack Ogat but are driven back by the Klingons. The peace talks break down, with open skirmishing on the border between the empire and the Gorn Hegemony.

  • A second round of talks between the Gorn and the Klingons opens on Cestus III. Little progress is made.

  • The Detapa Council enacts a series of reforms designed to promote population growth and economic stability. Thousands of displaced military officers are folded into civilian industries, with a significant minority joining the mining operations on Septimus.

  • The Cardassian mining industry begins exporting large amounts of kelindide and uridium through their Ferengi brokers. The Romulans, desperate to rebuild ships and expand colonies, are one of the first major clients.

  • Naomi Wildman enters Starfleet Academy.

  • Aennik Okeg of Sauria is elected president of the Federation.


  • Taris and Tebok argue about the diversion of ships to protect what Tebok considers unimportant regions of the Empire.

  • Tebok sways a portion of the RCOC with the argument that far-flung sections of the Empire can and should be sacrificed in the short term to strengthen the position of what are now the Empire’s core worlds.

  • J’mpok defeats Martok in an honor duel, replacing him as chancellor of the Klingon High Council.

  • Natima Lang negotiates with the Remans to get additional dilithium for ships and warp drives. Cardassians begin selling their technology across the Alpha and Beta quadrants.

  • Claiming that the Cardassian Self Defense Force cannot adequately protect his mining operation, Gul Madred contracts with Alpha Jem’Hadar for security.

  • The Soong Foundation files suit on behalf of the hologram known as “Moriarty.” Starfleet refuses to release the program.

  • The Bajorians and the Tamarians are formally admitted to the Federation. Federation linguists and scientists, with the assistance of the Tamarians, set up a new facility on El-Adrel IV dedicated to linguistic research.

  • The U.S.S. Stargazer-A makes the first contact with the Metron Consortium since 2267. The Metrons say that the younger races are still unready for regular contact, but have made progress.


  • The RCOC completes its work. In a narrow vote, it rejects the idea of a monarch in favor of reestablishing the Romulan Senate in Roma Nova. It offers Taris the position of praetor, but consolidates the majority of the power in the hands of the senators.

  • At a conference on Ter’jas Mor, the Orions sign a nonaggression and mutual defense pact with the Klingons, further agreeing to exchange technology and information for the rights to a planet in Klingon space. The Klingons give the Orions Ter’jas Mor to rule as a vassal state to the Klingon Empire, and the Orions begin transferring their remaining home world population from the Rigel system.

  • As a gift to celebrate their new alliance, the Orions send fifteen hundred women to be servants to the great Houses on Qo’noS.

  • The Supreme Court of the Federation rules that the Doctor is a sentient being, and therefore has the right to the mobile emitter. The court sets standards that artificial life-forms must pass to be considered fully sentient.

  • Alexander Rozhenko resigns his position with the Federation as an ambassador and leaves to begin what he calls “a personal exploration.” Reports put him on Boreth, and indicate he may be undergoing the “Challenge of Spirit.”


  • Ja’rod, son of Torg, is ambushed by strange tripedal aliens while on shore leave on Rha’darus. He kills two of the creatures and returns the third to the Kang.

  • Under questioning, the alien from Rha’darus reveals itself to be a member of the Undine, a species otherwise known by its Borg designation of Species 8472. The Undine reveals that its party was sent specifically to capture Ja’rod and replace him.

  • The Doctor takes a post as chief medical officer on Galor IV, allowing Starfleet to study the mobile emitter.

  • After the accidental destruction of the U.S.S Kelso, Starfleet admits to renewed experiments with cloaking technology. The Romulans and Klingons strenuously object, and the admission leads to strained relations between the three factions.

  • The Vulcans honor the 225th anniversary of completion of work on the rebuilt monastery at P’Jem. The ancient religious site was rebuilt by a coalition of Andoria, Earth, and Vulcan.


  • Taris orders a three-month quarantine of Kevratas to stop the spread of Bloodfire, a disease that is lethal to Romulans but curable if treated promptly. The quarantine stops all food and medical shipments to the planet in the middle of winter.

  • Sela negotiates with the Dopterians to trade decalithium for ships and weapons.

  • Captain Klor of the Kang refuses Ja’rod’s request to fully investigate the extent of the Undine infiltration. Ja’rod leads an uprising of the crew and replaces Klor as captain.

  • Nausicaan ships destroy three Klingon outposts in a surprise attack. The Klingons retaliate by destroying the Nausicaan starbase in the Orelious IX asteroid belt.

  • An audit of post–Dominion War assets authorized by the Detapa Council finds that at least 75 warships and an undetermined amount of weapons known to have survived the war are now missing.

  • Captain T’Vix of the U.S.S Cochrane, one of the ships assigned to monitor the border of the Neutral Zone, is removed from duty, as are two other members of her command staff. Starfleet Intelligence seals all records relating to the action.


  • The government of Kevratas declares independence from the Romulan Star Empire. Taris orders Tebok to put down the insurrection with force.

  • Tebok refuses to order his troops to fire on civilians and instead negotiates a settlement. He agrees to bring the leaders of the rebellion to Roma Nova to present their grievances to the Romulan Senate.

  • Taris orders Tebok to step down from his position as head of the Romulan military. The Senate overrules her decision.

  • Hassan the Undying moves his base of operations to the former Orion homeworld.

  • After a personal appeal from the Federation, J’mpok reluctantly agrees to a third round of peace talks. His decision is in opposition to a large bloc of the High Council, which favors a declaration of war.

  • The Kang infiltrates Gorn space in the course of its investigation of the Undine.

  • Geordi LaForge is named captain of the U.S.S. Challenger. Nog replaces him as chief engineer of the Enterprise-E.

  • Ja’rod and J’mpok agree to an alliance between the Houses of Duras and J’mpok. The agreement gives J’mpok the backing of many of the oldest and most influential Great Houses, and returns the House of Duras to legitimacy.


  • Tebok promotes Velal, who has been openly critical of the praetor, to commander of the Second Fleet.

  • Miral Paris enters Starfleet Academy.

  • An attack on the Klingon-Gorn negotiations kills Ambassador K’mtok of Qo’noS. A joint investigation by the crews of the U.S.S. Enterprise and the I.K.S. Gorkon reveals that the instigator of the attack was Toral, son of Duras, in support of a group of hardliners that wants to destabilize the Klingon government. Toral escapes.

• Laas arrives on Devos II with two other changelings.

  • The Federation Council approves rules for dual citizenship in the Federation, which allows voting and other rights without surrendering all ties to a being’s home planet. The Soong Foundation and other artificial life rights groups lobby for citizenship to be extended to sentient artificial life-forms.

  • Rhea, a Ferengi geologist living on Earth, is the first being to be granted dual Federation citizenship under the new program.

  • Naomi Wildman becomes the helmsman of the U.S.S. Hathaway.

  • Aennik Okeg is elected to a second term as president of the United Federation of Planets.


  • Tebok’s ship, the I.R.W. Alth’lndor, notifies Romulus that it is experiencing unexplained malfunctions in multiple subsystems, but that they should not impede her progress. Engineers suspect the problems are being caused by a computer virus.

  • Two hours later, the Alth’lndor drops out of warp and transmits a final distress signal. The I.R.W. Kaidor races to the Alth’lndor’s location. The Kaidor reports detecting an antimatter containment failure, but before her crew can act the Alth’lndor explodes. All hands are declared lost.

  • The Kang returns to Qo’noS and presents evidence to J’mpok that proves the Undine infiltration goes deeper than previously believed.

  • J’mpok declares war on the Gorn Hegemony with the full support of the High Council. A combined Klingon and Orion force storms across the border into Gorn space.

  • The Federation Council condemns the Klingon invasion of the Gorn Hegemony and demands that the empire withdraw to its own space. In response, the Klingons pull out of the Khitomer accords.

  • Starfleet formally expands its admission guidelines to accept applicants from races allied with, but not formally admitted to, the Federation. Such applicants would be allowed to apply for dual citizenship in the Federation. Hundreds of Ferengi, inspired by social reforms on Ferenginar and the example of Nog, rush to apply.

  • Starfleet Command opens the first links of its transwarp network.


  • Sela’s spies in Roma Nova alert her to irregularities in the account of the Alth’lndor’s destruction, and she orders her agents to investigate.

  • Taris clashes with the Romulan Senate over its plans to further restrict the powers of the Praetor. She argues that in the absence of a monarch, the Praetor needs expanded powers in order to maintain stability. She is overruled and the Senate proceeds with its plan.

  • The Founders disavow any connection with shape-shifters in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, and say that any changelings operating outside their authority are renegade.

  • The combined force of the Gorn and the Nausicaans repel the Klingons and Orions initially, earning them a measure of respect for their ferocity in battle.

  • The Detapa Council normalizes relations with Bajor, and opens an embassy on Deep Space 9.

  • Commander Harry Kim is named head of security for Starbase 11.


  • Sela meets with Velal in the Zeta Volantis system.

  • Velal gathers a trusted group of commanders and informs them that for the good of the Empire, Taris must be removed from power. He has allied with Sela, and her ships and weapons will give them an edge over ships loyal to the praetor.

  • Natima Lang steps into the leadership of the Detapa Council.

  • The Cardassian Science Ministry announces it has developed a cure for Pottrik Syndrome.

  • Miles O’Brien is named head of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers.

  • Captain Zachary MacAllister attempts to take the U.S.S. Lindberg into Gorn space against direct orders. After his crew mutinies, MacAllister steals a shuttlecraft and disappears. He is still a fugitive.

  • A contingent of retired and current Starfleet officers appeal to the Federation Council to reconsider its condemnation of the Klingon invasion of Gorn space. The council denies their request.

  • Naomi Wildman is promoted to second officer of the U.S.S. Hathaway.

  • Councilor Konjah is revealed to be an Undine after he is attacked by Lethean mercenaries. J’mpok strips the House of Konjah of its titles and status and its members are either killed or forced into hiding.


  • Velal demands that Taris step down immediately and surrender herself to the Senate for judgment.

  • Taris calls for the fleet to defend the legitimate government, and there are several skirmishes between ships loyal to Velal and Sela and those backing Taris.

  • A Klingon religious group claiming that Miral Paris is the kuvah’magh attacks the U.S.S. Pike during Miral’s senior cadet cruise. The kidnapping attempt fails.

  • After two years of fighting, the Klingons blockade the Gorn homeworld.

  • A report by Cardassian Intelligence to Natima Lang confirms that the forces led by Gul Madred may be in possession of some of the warships missing from Cardassia Prime.

  • The U.S.S. Voyager makes first contact with the Lorians. Federation scientists theorize that the avian race may be somehow related to the Xindi, but have insufficient data on ancient Xindi to confirm this.

  • The Starfleet Corps of Engineers suggests that Starfleet begin building its ships using a modular system. The new system allows captains to customize their ships and permits quick repairs.

  • Jean-Luc Picard retires from his ambassador position and settles in France.


  • Kevatras and Abraxas Prime throw their support behind the Romulan rebellion.

  • The Second Fleet approaches Rator III. Taris’ servants find her rooms empty, and an extensive search of Roma Nova finds no trace of the praetor.

  • Sela and Velal land at Roma Nova and appear before the Romulan Senate. They pledge friendship with the Senate… not mentioning the dozens of warships they have in orbit around the planet. The Senate agrees to make Velal head of the military and Sela praetor.

  • Klingon troops land on the Gorn homeworld and storm its capital. In a public broadcast, several high-ranking members of the Gorn government and military are revealed to be Undine shape-changers.

  • The remnants of the Gorn government surrender to the Klingons. Councilor Marab leads the call for the execution of the Gorn royal family.

  • The Klingons allow the Gorn self-rule, as long as they swear fealty to the empire. King Slathis agrees, and is allowed a nonvoting seat on the High Council.

  • Emperor Kahless handpicks a crew from the Order of the Bat’leth and departs on the I.K.S. Batlh. He leaves a message saying that the Klingons no longer need him, so he is departing to look for new battles to fight. He promises to return when he is most needed.

  • For his part in revealing the Undine threat, Ja’rod is offered a seat on the High Council and leadership of the House of Duras. Ja’rod declines to join the council, saying that until he has fully proven his worth to the Empire, he cannot rightfully take a position on the High Council.


  • Over a period of time, Sela uses charm, guile, and a healthy amount of blackmail to shape the Senate to her liking.

  • Starfleet opens the Federation transwarp network.

  • J’mpok informs the High Council that he is invoking ancient claims to the Hromi Cluster and the sectors surrounding it, a region of space that the Klingons had previously surrendered to the Federation. He tells the Federation ambassador that they have three months to remove all Federation citizens and assets from the sector.

  • The Soong Foundation gets an injunction to force Starfleet to reveal the whereabouts and conditions of all of its holographic programs, with the intention of reviewing the cases of photonic beings that have achieved sentience. Starfleet appeals, saying that the request is too broad and invades officers’ privacy.


  • At Drax’s request, General Worf agrees to be gin’tak to the House of Martok and advise Drax in his conflict with the House of Duras.

; • The Klingons invade Korvat and start forcibly removing Federation citizens. Starfleet sends ships to stop them. The war is on.

  • The Federation repulses a Gorn invasion of Sherman’s Planet.

  • Rom uses the profits from his trade agreements with the Cardassians to finance the passage of expanded technology and information sharing agreements with the Federation. While the Ferengi Alliance will remain formally neutral for now, Rom argues that the future of business contacts lies with good relations with the Federation.

  • In a deal brokered by Slathis, the Nausicaans sign a nonaggression pact with the Klingons.

  • Aennik Okeg is elected to a third term as president of the United Federation of Planets.


  • The Klingons invade the Archanis sector.

  • A virulent plague infects the entire population of Carnegie. Federation President Aennik Okeg refuses to comment on rumors that the plague is not biological in origin, saying that Starfleet must have the time and resources it needs to treat the population and enforce a quarantine to keep the contagion from spreading.

  • Admiral Chakotay is named the new head of Starfleet Intelligence. He briefs Starfleet Command on the Undine situation in the Federation. Starfleet Intelligence suspects at least thirty individuals among Starfleet and the Federation government to be Undine, and is investigating ways to better detect Undine infiltrators.

  • The Starfleet Corps of Engineers says that advances in power cell technology make personal shield generators for officers on away teams feasible. They begin issuing the units to ships on a trial basis.


  • Forces loyal to the House of Martok battle supporters of the House of Duras in the Ghomha system.

  • The Federation Council requests peace talks with the Klingon Empire. J’mpok refuses to hear their request.

  • Sela revives the idea of a Romulan monarchy.

  • Research on improvements to transwarp technology begin at the Vulcan Science Academy.

  • A plague of unknown origin strikes the Phylosians. Starfleet is dispatching medical teams, but experts at Starfleet Medical say that the unusual nature of Phylosian anatomy will make finding a cure difficult.