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  • A resurgence in support for religion and spirituality sweeps the population of Cardassia Prime.

  • Rear Admiral Bennett of the Starfleet Judge Advocate General’s office rules that the “Data decision,” referenced in the Doctor’s legal arguments to keep the mobile emitter, is too narrow to be used in this question, and that it could only be applied to prove that the Doctor is not the property of Starfleet, and not to decide whether or not he is a sentient being.

  • The Soong Foundation, a group affiliated with the Daystrom Institute and dedicated to promoting the rights of artificial life-forms, announces that it is beginning work to create a mobile holographic emitter of its own.


  • Sela replaces Tomalak as Tal’aura’s proconsul. Tal’aura grants Tomalak the right to “retire” to his rural estates in return for his decades of service to the Empire.

  • Donatra agrees to send negotiators to Romulus to attempt to reach a peaceful agreement with Tal’aura. She appoints Taris to lead the delegation.

  • Tal’aura is assassinated in her private chambers. Various fingers point at a coalition of the noble houses, the Tal Shiar or agents working for the Imperial Romulan State.

  • Donatra recalls Taris from Romulus and orders her to prepare to defend their holdings.

  • At Tal’aura’s funeral, Sela publicly blames the Remans and the Unification movement for the attack. Public opinion swings against the Unification movement.

  • A Bird-of-Prey conducting exercises in the space between the Klingon Empire and the Gorn Hegemony is attacked by a Gorn ship. The Gorns claim that the captain was acting against orders.

  • Martok orders additional ships to the border with the Gorn Hegemony.

  • Odo, acting as the Great Link’s ambassador to the solids, meets with Laas on Koralis III and invites him to return with him. Laas refuses, choosing instead to continue to search for the missing ninety-seven of the Hundred.

  • The android B-4 is transferred into Soong Foundation custody, and work begins on restoring his full positronic functioning.

  • The Ferengi Alliance establishes an embassy on Deep Space 9.

  • Bajor renews its application for admission to the Federation.


  • Sela moves to consolidate Tal’aura’s remaining forces under her control. She replaces more than two dozen “populist” Senators with representatives from noble houses that had opposed Tal’aura. The backing of the nobles gives her the power she needs to take control of the government, but she lacks the support of the military or the Tal Shiar.

  • Rehaek, leader of the Tal Shiar, announces that he is personally investigating the circumstances surrounding Tal’aura’s death.

  • Donatra and the Imperial forces win support among Romulan civilians by offering food shipments to nonmilitary settlements.

  • Donatra, Sela, and Rehaek agree to share power, reforming the Continuing Committee. The worlds of Donatra’s Imperial Romulan State are once again part of the Romulan Star Empire.

  • Donatra visits Remus and meets with Xiomek. She offers the Remans citizenship and representation in the Romulan Senate in exchange for their support. Sela objects but Rehaek refuses to back her and Donatra proceeds with the plan.

  • The Remans agree to back Donatra. Their physical strength adds to her formidable military force, and the supplies of dilithium and heavy metals allows her to increase production of ships and weapons.

  • The Romulan Senate reluctantly endorses Donatra’s deal with the Remans, but most Romulans continue to treat the Remans as second-class citizens at best.

  • The Bajor coalition demands the Cardassians surrender colonies granted to them in the Federation-Cardassian Treaty of 2370. The Federation Council and Cardassians both support leaving the boundaries as drawn.

  • All non-Klingons are expelled from Khitomer as a “safety measure.” The refugees are allowed to resettle on a nearby planet after they agree to recognize Klingon authority.

  • The U.S.S. Enterprise-E returns to the shipyards at Utopia Planitia for an extensive refit. The Starfleet Corps of Engineers says the refit will take at least a year to complete because they are going to use the ship as a testing ground for new technology and weaponry.

  • After more than two years with no sign of Borg activity in Federation space, Starfleet dismantles its Borg task force. Task force codirector Seven of Nine resigns in protest, and later joins the Daystrom Institute to continue her research.

  • Jean-Luc Picard resigns his commission in Starfleet and is appointed ambassador to Vulcan.

  • Beverly Crusher is promoted to captain and takes command of the U.S.S. Pasteur, which is assigned to support efforts to rebuild hospitals and medical facilities on Cardassia.

  • Worf resigns his commission in Starfleet and is named an ambassador on Qo’noS. He reestablishes relationship with Grilka.

  • The advanced sensor array first tested on Luna-class starships is deemed suitable for retrofitting onto other starships.

  • Daystrom Institute scientists succeed in unlocking the “Data matrix” in B-4. With the Data personality and intellect dominant, the android assists the team to upgrade his positronic brain and re-create his emotion chip.


  • The Romulan Mining Guild presents a long-term study of Remus to the Romulan Senate. The study finds that Remus has been seriously overmined, and suggests that to prevent a Praxis situation the Reman operations should be shut down and moved to more distant regions of Romulan space.

  • Xiomek uses his new position in the Romulan Senate to argue that if the Remans must move that they be given control of a continent on Romulus. The Senate rejects that, but with the backing of Donatra and Rehaek instead offers the Remans the planet Crateris in the Gamma Crateris system. Site of a failed Romulan colony, the planet has a harsh climate and is beset with almost constant electrical storms, but is rich in dilithium and other natural resources. Thousands of Remans move to Crateris.

  • Rehaek announces that he has proof that Tal’aura was assassinated by agents loyal to the noble houses. He begins an open campaign of attacks on noble assets in retaliation for Tal’aura’s death.

  • Sela pushes back against Rehaek’s persecution of the nobles who support her. She uses her control of the government to cut funding for the Tal Shiar, and in a speech before the Romulan Senate, she accuses elements inside the Tal Shiar of knowing that Praetor Tal’aura was in danger but not acting to stop her assassination.

  • Fighting between Sela’s forces and supporters of Rehaek erupts in Ki Baratan. Hundreds die in the uprising, and violence spreads to surrounding cities.

  • Donatra refuses to take sides in the conflict between Sela and Rehaek, concentrating instead on mitigating the conflict’s impact on the Romulan people. She orders the military to provide ships to take Romulans who wish to leave combat zones to colony worlds, and commands General Tebok to send troops to try to quell the violence.

  • Rehaek’s estate in Ki Baratan is destroyed by an explosive device. The remains of several servants and Rehaek’s wife and daughter are recovered, but investigators believe that the initial blast was intense enough to have vaporized anyone close to the explosive device.

  • Tal Shiar forces storm Sela’s estate outside Ki Baratan and take her and her personal guard into custody for the murder of Rehaek. Sela is sentenced to death in a secret trial but Donatra intervenes, allowing Sela and her supporters to accept permanent exile.

  • Taris travels to Levaeri V to investigate claims that the Sword of the Raptor Star has been recovered. The blade is reputed to be one of the swords created by the Vulcan swordsmith S’harien and taken into exile by S’task, the first leader of the Romulans.

  • King Xrathis of the Gorn dies of old age. Prince Slathis ascends to the throne.

  • Klingon forces take over the Gorn colony at Gila VI.

  • Worf, son of Mogh, weds Grilka, leader of the House of Grilka, on Qo’noS.<
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  • The Federation and Cardassians sign a new treaty. In it the Cardassians agree not to field a military or wage war, and the Federation agrees to provide additional security in the event of invasion of Cardassian space. Bajor drops its request to prosecute Cardassians for war crimes.

  • Odo visits with the Alpha Jem’Hadar, and asks them to return with him to the Gamma Quadrant. Lamat’Ukan, First of the Alphas, rejects Odo as a false god.

  • Grand Nagus Rom uses tax proceeds to start free schools on Ferenginar. Protests rock the capital for two days until Rom charges all of the protesters five slips of latinum each for mass assembly without a properly purchased permit.

  • Data requests that his Starfleet commission be reactivated. Upon review, the Judge Advocate General’s office rules that Data’s use of B-4’s body is no different than an officer returning to duty with an artificial limb and grants the request. Data supervises the completion of the Enterprise-E’s refit, and takes command of the vessel when it relaunches in 2387.

  • Starfleet updates its duty uniforms for all personnel.


  • Donatra accepts Xiomek’s invitation to visit Crateris and inspect the new Reman colony. The two leaders meet privately for several hours. Donatra offers Xiomek passage on her flagship, the Valdore, so he can return to Romulus in time for the opening of the Romulan Senate.

  • Donatra sends a transmission to Taris, ordering her to return to Romulus and submit to a full review of her actions. Taris deletes all evidence of the message from her ship’s systems and relieves her communications officer of duty. Her ship does not change course.

  • On the way back to Romulus, Donatra’s fleet reports unusual stellar activity, including a disturbance equivalent to a force-seven ion storm. Romulus loses contact with the Valdore, and sends ships to search for the fleet.

  • Ambassador Spock of the Federation appears before the Romulan Senate to warn them about the dangers of the Hobus star. Nero, a representative of the Romulan Mining Guild, corroborates Spock’s claims that the star is experiencing eruptions powerful enough to destroy nearby planets, and is converting the mass of those planets into additional energy. If the sun goes supernova, it could create a chain reaction that would destroy much of the Empire. Some senators support Spock’s plan to coordinate with Vulcan to find a solution to the problem, but the majority of the Senate believes that the threat is a plot to gain access to Romulan resources and Spock’s request is rejected.

  • Sela’s fleet passes the Beta Stromgren supernova remnant and continues into unexplored space, looking for a suitable planet for colonization.

  • In late 2387, the Hobus star goes supernova, creating a chain-reaction explosion that destroys dozens of planets, including Romulus and Remus. Billions of Romulans are killed.

  • Ambassadors Spock and Jean-Luc Picard appeal to the Vulcan Science Academy to assist the Romulans with the Hobus supernova. The academy refuses.

  • Hassan the Undying assassinates Raimus and takes over his slice of the Orion Syndicate for his employer, Melani D’ian.

  • The Alpha Jem’Hadar establish a base of operations on Devos II. The ketracel-white manufacturing base there gives them the needed resources to sever all ties with the Dominion, and they declare their independence.

  • The Cardassians dissolve the military, reforming a much smaller force as the Cardassian Self-Defense Force. It is limited to operations in Cardassian space.

  • Rom pushes a bill calling for the Ferengi Alliance to formally ally with the Federation, but opponents successfully bribe enough members of the Economic Congress of Ferengi Advisers to have the bill killed.


  • The Romulan colony worlds reel with the loss of their homeworld and leadership.

  • Rator III names itself the new capital of the Romulan Star Empire, as do Achernar Prime and Abraxas V.

  • The Detapa Council votes to send a token force of six ships to assist with the Romulan relief efforts. Popular opinion is against the decision, in that Cardassia needs to conserve its remaining resources.

  • Realizing that their homeworld in the Rigel system is almost depleted of natural resources and that Federation patrols are becoming a serious problem for Syndicate operations, the Orions open negotiations with the Breen and the Klingon Empire for assistance.

  • Chancellor Martok refuses the Federation’s request to send aid and assistance to the Romulans after the destruction of Romulus. “The Klingons will offer them no treaty, no aid, and no hand that is not holding a blade.”

  • The High Council, led by Councillor J’mpok, demands that the Federation be made to pay for the destruction of the fleet led by Worf to Vulcan, saying that Picard tricked the fleet into a hopeless battle. Martok refuses to attack the Federation, but the Empire’s relationship with the Federation is more strained than it has been since the Cardassian War.

  • K’Dhan, son of Worf, is born on Qo’noS.

  • Martok orders ships to the border with the Romulan Empire, and orders them to destroy ten ships for every warrior killed by Nero. The Klingons win multiple victories.

  • The Federation Council orders an investigation into the Vulcans’ refusal to help the Romulans.

  • Seventeen Federation planets recall their ambassadors to Vulcan in protest over the Vulcan Science Academy’s decision on Romulus.

  • Federation President Nan Bacco appeals to the Federation Council to take a message of unity back to their homeworlds and not to ostracize Vulcan or any world. “In this time of strife we need to remain united. Assigning blame does not heal the injured, soothe the stricken, or comfort the grieving.”

  • Starfleet and the Federation direct immense relief efforts to the Romulans. While some colony worlds accept the help, after Taris asserts power she rejects Federation attempts at friendship.


  • Leaders of the colony worlds plan a conference to establish a new government, but cannot even agree on where to hold the meeting.

  • General Tebok recalls Romulan ships on missions outside the galaxy.

  • The Klingons take control of the Tranome Sar and Nequencia systems.

  • The Federation offers to mediate talks between the Gorn and the Klingons.

  • The Federation supervises elections on Cardassia Prime. A civilian coalition led by Garak narrowly defeats a hardliner faction (led by Gul Madred) calling for withdrawal from the Federation-Cardassian Treaty of 2386 and the reestablishment of the military.

  • Warriors from the House of B’vat slay Aakan of the House of Mo’kai, ending a century-long blood feud between the two noble families. The House of Mo’kai is dissolved.

  • The Nausicaans agree to contribute ships and weapons to the defense of the Gorn.

  • The Detapa Council is reestablished.

  • Ambassador T’Los of Vulcan resigns her post, citing hostilities toward her planet as the cause.

  • After the destruction of Romulus, the Federation cuts funding for Cardassian relief efforts by 30 percent.

  • Holoprojectors are now standard equipment in all areas of most Starfleet ships, expanding the range and usefulness of photonic tools such as the Emergency Command Holograms.

  • Gul Madred acquires the rights to mine several mineral-rich planetoids in Cardassian space. He begins building a large mining operation on Septimus.


  • The government of Talvath requests Federation protection.

  • Taris orders the Romulan fleet to concentrate on two things: rescue and relief for the colony worlds and defense of the Empire’s borders.

  • The Federation offers to mediate talks between the Gorn and the Klingons. Neither the Gorn nor the Klingons are overeager to accept the Federation inserting itself into what is considered to be a personal matter, and Chancellor Martok says that one of the Klingon Empire’s conditions for allowing such a summit to proceed will be the withdrawal of Federation ships from its border with the Romulans.

; • Projections by Klingon military analysts show that the Empire’s resources will be stretched thin by a two-front war against the Romulans and the Gorn, and that the disorganized, displaced Romulans are the lesser threat in the short term. The High Council decides to end its Romulan campaign, but holds on to the space it claimed.

  • Pacifica pulls out of the Federation, citing the immense drains on resources that the Romulan and Cardassian relief efforts pose. The president of Pacifica states that his planet has no wish to subsidize its enemies.


  • Sela lands on Makar, an M-class planet in the Beta Quadrant with abundant supplies of dilithium and decalithium.

  • Taris confronts a Klingon fleet at Zeta Pictoris and forces it to retreat.

  • Colony worlds, led by Rator III and Achernar Prime, recognize Taris as the leader of the Romulan Empire. She orders leaders of each world to meet on Rator III to organize a government.

  • Talks between the Klingons and the Gorn break down when Ambassador Zogozin of the Gorn is injured when a bombing disrupts the negotiations on Deep Space K-7. The terrorist group Khalb is blamed for the attack, and it is believed that their intended target was Ambassador Alexander Rozhenko of the Federation. Rozhenko is uninjured.

  • The Gorn hire Lethean mercenaries to protect their outlying colonies.

  • Garak enters negotiations with the Ferengi, signing contracts with Rom for both the return of several sacred jevonite artifacts as well as financial support to restart Cardassia Prime’s industrial complexes. In exchange, the Ferengi get favorable trade agreements for Cardassian goods once the factories reopen.

  • The Soong Foundation lobbies for the rights of sentient artificial life-forms to be added to the Federation Constitution.

  • Citing the success of the extremely diverse crew of the U.S.S. Titan, Starfleet considers expanding the admission standards at Starfleet Academy to include races that are formally allied with the Federation but not full members.

  • Starfleet Command creates a task force to investigate appearances of the race known as Species 8472 in the Alpha Quadrant.